Art from someone else’s memories

Art from someone else’s memories

Could you imagine creating a drawing from someone else’s memory? In 1994, Eugene Miller, known to the locals as “Jake” asked Bob Wallace to draw the old Jones Miller Ranch as it was in 1929.  He had only the memories from Mr. Miller to go by. Bob Wallace used...
Alamo’s Gregorio Esparza Relative Visits

Alamo’s Gregorio Esparza Relative Visits

We rarely think about the fact that people celebrate birthdays during war times. Today, we get to learn about Gregorio Esparza who had a birthday during the siege at the Alamo!  Plus, one of his descendants visited our collection recently! Dolly Morales, Gregorio...
Twinkle Toe Shop -Ozona Slipper Exhibit 2015

Twinkle Toe Shop -Ozona Slipper Exhibit 2015

From a sewing circle type operation, with a boss called Mama to a plant which sold over $872,000 worth of bedroom slippers in 1963 is the story of Mayde. A casual hobby that started in 1944 on a ranch 50 miles from the nearest town, Mayde’s scuffs first started as a...

November 2014 Updates

Did you see our Veterans Day Exhibit? If not, see our ‘virtual tour.’ SAVE THE DATE: December 5 will be our annual Wool and Mohair Fashion show. RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW: Call the office to get your tickets today.