November 2014 Updates

Did you see our Veterans Day Exhibit? If not, see our ‘virtual tour.’ SAVE THE DATE: December 5 will be our annual Wool and Mohair Fashion show. RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE NOW: Call the office to get your tickets today.
1954 Flood Remembered

1954 Flood Remembered

Today Mrs. Conklin and her son, Wilburn Conklin, III visited the Crockett County Museum.  They are the wife and son of Wilburn Conklin, II who was involved in the rescue of several Ozona men  and women during the flood of 1954 via a motor boat borrowed from a visitor...


We had a couple visit us today from Australia.  They were a fun couple and thoroughly enjoyed the museum.  The gentleman commented after his tour that he was a sheep shearer in his younger days in Australia.  The Wool & Mohair room brought back some fond memories...
Media Launch

Media Launch

This past Monday, April 29, 2013, Crockett County Museum hosted a “Night at the Museum”.  A good time was had by all and stories and laughter were a staple of the evening. Refreshments and punch were served to about thirty guests who came out to test drive...